I used to call myself a syncretist but then I realized I am not looking to take pieces of any religions. Rather, I appreciate when I see in religions beliefs that are in sync with my own constantly evolving beliefs.
One of the first essays I remember reading on Medium in 2020 is by Leah Castellon and has the same title as yours. I think you'll really appreciate her essay: https://medium.com/@leahcastellon/which-religion-is-right-f0bd30e714a2 She runs through many religions that she has tried and concludes: "With the diversity of the people on this earth, doesn’t it stand to reason that infinite love would provide a multitude of channels to access that source? I think so. For that reason, I will not adhere to any particular religion, but I will honor my personal journey and the paths of fellow earnest seekers."
I also very much like this piece by Laxaa that I read in 2021: https://medium.com/illuminations-mirror/there-is-no-religion-in-heaven-d08a33511ee8