Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
3 min readAug 9, 2023


I will do that about law of attraction and God, but first I'll deal with string theory. About 25 years ago, while on a vacation with my wife in Italy, I read a book about string theory, The Elegant Universe, by Brian Greene. Apparently I spoke the book back to her in my sleep. She thought I was nuts. I am, but that's beside the point (and we're divorced--also beside the point). It's a great book that does explain everything from Newton to Einstein to string theory in very understandable terms. Now, I'll take up the explain it to a five-year-old challenge.

"Do you like music? Yes, so do I. That song we listened to together yesterday has lots of instruments that make the melody. Each instrument contributes its vibration to the melody and that combined contribution is what your ear hears. String theory is simply that every thing you see is a song that you see instead of hear and what makes everything you see different is however many types of instruments are playing their contributions to the melody."

Now, when I saw your title today, I immediately thought of discussions I used to have with I Trudie Palmer wherein I disagreed that the law of attraction exists because of how it victim shames. Trudie asked me what I do believe and to please explain it as if I were talking to my hyopthetical 6-year-old grandchild. I responded thusly:

"You know those participation trophies that every kid gets for playing T-ball instead of awards for best hitter and best fielder and how that annoys grandpa, well that’s actually how life and heaven work. Everyone gets to go to heaven as a reward for participating in the game of life. Some will play it really well, some ok, and some terribly but they all get to go to heaven. God loves everyone equally and is like your coach. When the game is over and you are in heaven you and God will discuss the game and come up with a plan for you to learn to play better next time. Anyway, things don’t always go well in the game and that’s ok. And sometimes other players cheat and that can hurt you physically and your feelings. Learning how to react to that without cheating yourself is part of playing the game. If things don’t go your way that doesn’t mean God doesn’t love you and it doesn’t mean God is punishing you."

See my for a more complete discussion.

Now taking this back to the adults in the room, I no longer believe that the LoA does not exist, but with inspiration from others, I have properly defined it. DL Nemeril pointed out that the simplest and most correct definition of karma is described thusly:

"Here, we would like to add that we do not agree with karma meaning you have to ‘pay’ for what you did in another lifetime. That is a very human perception, of life being a court system meting out reward and punishment. Karma is a vibrational level that draws the experiences needed for healing and growth to a soul. Nothing more."

Thus I had this epiphany:

"I realized after reading NL’s guides’ thoughts on karma that the law of attraction describes the vibrational pulls of our soul contracts, not what we humans consciously or subconsciously emit." See my for a more complete discussion.

For understanding of soul contracts, you may see my



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Written by Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.

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