I wish you happiness and success there (and I'm glad you are also staying here). I’ve resisted the push to go there this far, and, I’m never going. Their model is great for writers/content creators. That’s not how I see myself. I see myself as a thinker and a feeler who shares by writing. I can’t wrap my brain around the concept of competing for individual paid subscribers. Plus, I don’t have the bandwidth to be on multiple platforms. That’s me. No dispersion cast on anyone else. At one point the people pushing Substack almost had me on board as posting only free content as an adjunct to my Medium paywall, but then they said the great and Almighty Substack Distribution Algorithm that they tout is actually only better to people who go paid. Too much doublespeak for me.
Meanwhile, I'm posting free content on Medium until I see what happens with payouts. That way, I don't get aggravated when engagement that should receive earnings isn't paid anything at all.
Even if payouts aren't reasonably restored, I may stay and keep posting for free. I really enjoyed creating my one free post so far and the engagement. Here it is if anyone wants to read it, which I say again, is not behind the paywall. https://medium.com/write-under-the-moon/navigating-towards-acceptance-of-and-coping-with-the-unacceptable-in-the-mediumverse-fe62c96e7061 subtitled "Together with thoughts on time, the dual nature of humans as material and spirit, and reincarnation"
I read one dear friend on Substack. She posted a heartfelt and relatable post today about her continuing grief over her cat, coupled with the joy over her new cat, (ah, Amy, you will definitely identify from your dog experience and love) and also talks about breaking up with some toxic family members. And she writes very well. It's not paywalled. https://open.substack.com/pub/pamelabusch/p/side-by-side?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=g3frb