I would add and have the courage to write vulnerably, both by not being concerned about criticism and by beig willing to share pieces of oneself.
I'll add, I see so many writers default to writing in the second person (you) or using "we" as if everyone is the same. Those styles bother me. I urge writers to use I/me instead of using you/we/our/us. I discuss this further in this short essay I posted in Synergy in early 2021 that many writers have found helpful and with which many readers agreed. https://medium.com/technical-excellence/please-stop-telling-readers-what-to-do-918d7adf128f
I presently have the time to take on more mentees if anyone is interested in my help. I don't mentor on how to make money on Medium. I do help people become better writers, including writers whose native language is not English. See, e.g., https://medium.com/technical-excellence/birthing-a-curated-story-as-the-doula-e70eaa1aed97