I wrote a couple tanka that I refer to as spiritual erotica. They both responded to poetry prompts. The first responded to these two. Day 19: "Love is multifaceted" Day 20: "Doing what makes the heart sing"
I called it Convergence, Tanka of where hard sex meets making love
"Sex like love diamond
Many angles to explore
We are fucking hard
Yet passionate kissing while
Enterlocked makes my heart sing"
The next one responded to the prompt "A path of loving expansion"
The poem:
"French kissing nerves rich
Listen for responsiveness
She holds my head’s place
Contractions grasp my finger(s)
Ecstatic expansion nears"
I had titled it Dear Connie Lingus, Tanka of a path to pleasure
I also wrote an acrostic that had Klimpt's The Kiss as the feature image and I'm smiling now because I see I employed the word enervate
"Killing me softly
Inside us we intertwine
Soft flesh merging
Stiff and engorged pulsatingly draw me in clasping with all your being
Energizing and enervating little deaths
Synchronous dances of love"
Little deaths refers to a French phrase for orgasm, “La petite mort.”
As you might have guessed, I embedded this Fugee's rendition of the Roberta Flack song at the end of the piece