I'm glad you are writing your way through this Paul. Alcohol/substance abuse is one of my causes. As you may have read in the past, I am not a huge fan of 12-step programs, because their success rate is abysmal. https://medium.com/recovery-cultures/drilling-down-to-the-root-cause-of-addiction-7c57c5a3fd6c. Yet I am a huge fan of the spiritual wisdom of the steps themselves, and have written about how anyone and everyone can benefit from them. https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/spirituality-redefined-ff45cb53eaf2 We as a society need to destigmatize substance abuse so that it can be properly treated and so the stigma comes off the 12 steps and everyone can benefit from them. My other primary and somewhat related cause is suicide prevention. I wrote my MwcDeath piece on that. https://medium.com/the-pom/dizain-of-suicide-72bcde4dc8d8