I’m pretty sure I experienced the same person who dazzles with her love poems and then visciously attacks those that challenge her trollish and arrogant behavior, without the guts to do it without blocking her victims and publishes a story that could only be about me based on the unattributed yet obvious references to my stories and my bio, accusing me of being a liar and a fraud and a profiteer with respect to my very personal story of my friend’s suicide and my discussions with his soul through a channeler which helped me survive my depression many years later. Here is the story of Andrew’s and my beautiful friendship, which I wrote to save lives, certainly not for the whopping $25 it has earned in 2 months or even for the Mwc money for which it did not have a chance of winning. https://medium.com/the-pom/dizain-of-suicide-72bcde4dc8d8