Is this about neuroplasticity? This brings up another fault I find with the view implied by my friend Liam Ireland yesterday in
A human is not a leopard and us humans absolutely can change. Michelle Loucadoux, MBA wrote this excellent piece a while back
Neuroplasticity is the study of how the brain alters itself due to internal and external stimuli. Until recently, many people thought that our brains only form when we’re growing up. Recent studies have proven that “mechanisms of neuroplasticity are extremely variable across individuals and throughout the lifetime.” Meaning, you can change your brain no matter how old you are. And you have the power to do this in any situation.
I engaged as follows:
See The Brain that Changes Itself, Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science, by Norman Doidge, M.D., Penguin Books, 2007. I found Chapter 6 to be particularly life-changing.
Chapter 6 is called "Brain Lock Unlocked, Using Plasticity to Stop Worries, Obsessions, Compulsions and Bad Habits." Another of the many fascinating chapters is "Imagination, How Thinking Makes it So." Sorry to all the new-age claptrap espousers out there, this does not support the perversion of the law of attraction that says if you imagine getting rich you can manifest that yacht on your 3rd-grade level art project y'all call a vision board. What this chapter establishes is that imagining physical practice is as effective as actually physically practicing, for example, playing piano, tennis, etc. This is why a good free-throw shooter closes his/her eyes and imagines not the ball going in but the physical act of shooting the ball that leads to the made shot.
And Festus my friend, this post is what I mean by meaningful engagement on Medium. Let’s not mix apples and oranges.