It is certainly not arrogant to remain above the base nonesense of gossip, nor is it arrogant to enjoy intelligent conversations. Besides, it seems to me that based on some of the television and movies you enjoy, you, like me, are quite balanced for very smart people and can certainly enjoy lower brow matters, just not ones that hurt other people and are based on conformity and being intolerant and judgmental and lacking compassion and empathy.
You bringing up the term sapiosexual reminded me of a paragraph in ne of my early Medium essays:
"For as long as I can remember, when asked what I would do if money were no object, my answer was, “teach.” Being in front of a class with chalk in hand never resonated, and besides, my handwriting is atrocious (loving that irony). Being in front of a lecture hall of sapiosexual female college/grad students sounds hot, and Sitara thinks so too, but that's enough tangenital humor. What form of teaching? That is a layer in my purpose-cake that the universe has yet to reveal.?
Do you see the pun that I used there? I think it's one of my most clever lines. It looks like I mispelled a word. I don't think anyone noticed it. Here's the link to the full essay if you want to read it. subtitled Aloha ke Akua with a Dose of Kuleana: taking responsibility and being a shining light in the likeness and image of God. I wrote it in response to this prompt: "What does having purpose mean to me."