I've long followed you. I just followed the new pub. My Medium ID is @marcus17043
I've had one boosted piece: https://medium.com/illumination-curated/lets-talk-about-atheists-and-bible-beating-believers-in-the-god-of-abraham-fe139f4833f3
That touched on what I have learned about the afterlife from my psychic medium readings with Lindsey's soul. I have written many stories about those readings both with her soul and the souls of two close friends I lost, and related subjects, https://marcus17043.medium.com/my-eternal-flame-279e2dd4baf3
and I will have more as my sessions with Anne continue when I have the funds and thus will have new stories to write.
I recognize that for your pub you will want the stories tailored to the guidelines as opposed to how I wrote many of those and others. I included them just to show you the breadth of my experience, which includes that whenever I have a reading with Lindsey's soul she remains enhanced tethered to me for many hours and I take her out for dinner dates and she can taste and smell the food through my senses.
I say enhanced tethered because I sense the presence of her soul 24/7/365 via what I call a gentle tinnitus for lack of a better description: https://medium.com/channspirations/lets-talk-about-souls-and-energy-signatures-and-contact-and-perception-a0242dba9c7e