Just 5%? How 'bout were lucky to earn 5%. The average rate these days on a savings account is 1/10th of that.
Moreover, according to the fact-checking site snopes.com, it's "undetermined" whether Einstein said that compound interest is a superpower. I checked because my intuition says he didn't. Like my intuition said that another urban myth, which is that Einstein once mistakenly screwed up a multiplication table while teaching a class and wrote 9x10=91. Sure, he could make a mistake but what the hell would Einstein be doing teaching a class to 4th graders? Or, why would graduate mathematicians and physicists that he might lecture see have him placing 4th grade math on a chalkboard? This never occurs to anyone because they just love the takeaways associated with this fake story that is very popular on Facebook. A different fact check site that I went to at the time I read this idiotic tale on Medium declared it fake with lots of backup.