Let me state at the outset that I appreciate you and your underlying messages.
5D for one. Crystal Children for another. My personal pet peeve, Twin Flames. Not that that type of soulmate does not exist. I know it does. I have one. She passed away last March and is with me all the time. We have been tethered for eternity. My third eye "hears" her energy signature and feels her love particularly strongly right now as she approves of every possibly channeled word I am writing. The Twin Flame nonsense though is the Harlequin Romanticisation of a Soul Partnership (I have to credit my Lord Rama for that truth). It's the labeling and the profiteering (not referring to you Kimberly) that bothers me and it's unnecessary. As I said in my links which I do not provide for MMP nonsense but so I don't have to either quote in full or paraphrase. " I read with delight
Patrick Paul Garlinger
’s Can We Let Go of These 5 Spiritual Words in 2021?, in which he writes, among the other stop-the-bullshit-truths I read with applause:
'The truth is that none of us knows what an enlightened world looks like because we are still carrying with us concepts, constructs, and beliefs that are part of our current mass consciousness,'
to which I responded:
'Nor is it ever going to happen — the entire planet enlightened — it’s ridiculous — if it happened there would be no more reason for Earth to exist — we would stop reincarnating,'
to which PPG replied:
'We’re all in Earth School, so yep, that’s why we’re here, reincarnating again and again. I do my best to interject a different perspective whenever I can. The goal is always to get people to consider a new perspective, not feel they’ve gotten it wrong. Sometimes I’m more direct, as here; other times I opt to be more gentle. Divine Father vs. Divine Mother, some might say. Thanks for reading and commenting.'
I tend towards the call-it-as-I-see-it approach, thus I recently responded to an article supporting the twin-flame myth with a short-form post as follows:
'There are charlatans out there preying on people’s emotions every day and the insistence on fitting them under the tent of spirituality dismays me. The used-to-be-one-soul-and-was-split-into-two is bunk. Saying, well, we all were cut from Source so it sort of exists is apologizing for con artists. Youtube is full of fake channelers replete with merchandise making a living off this myth and good people’s emotions.'