Let's use this definition of karma from your studies as the point of comparison:
"Karma (कर्म) refers to “action”, “deed”.—1) any action or deed; 2) the principle of cause and effect; 3) a consequence or “fruit of action” (karmaphala) or “after effect” (uttaraphala), which sooner or later returns upon the doer. What we sow, we shall reap in this or future lives. Selfish, hateful acts (pāpakarma or kukarma) will bring suffering. Benevolent actions (puṇya-karma or sukarma) will bring loving reaction."
DL wrote:
"Karma is a vibrational level that draws the experiences needed for healing and growth to a soul. Nothing more."
There is no mention there of anything found in the Vedanta.
I extrapolated from what DL wrote that karma = the law of attraction once I redefine the LoA:
"The law of attraction, as sold to the toxically optimistic, power-of-positive-thought-guzzling consumers seeking self-improvement, is total horseshit....
'Self-help BS artists like Tony Robbins, and just about every snake oil salesperson in the MLM industry, foster the myth that the law of attraction supports that creating a vision board to help one focus on their goals will lead to achieving those goals. I think the law of attraction is generally misunderstood and misused, because, for example, positive energy also attracts negative energy and that is why narcissists, aka emotional vampires, easily hunt and prey upon empaths, but in this short piece I just want to focus on the vision board hogwash.'
I have also stated that I despise the victim-shaming side of the popular version of the law of attraction — you emitted negative vibrations and brought this upon yourself. [shades there of various eastern and western concepts]
Properly defined, the law of attraction does exist and is the same as the description of karma provided by DL Nemeril...
I realized after reading DL’s guides’ thoughts on karma that the law of attraction describes the vibrational pulls of our soul contracts, not what we humans consciously or subconsciously emit."
Circling back, karma is an energy that draws experiences to us to help us fulfill our soul contracts. It's that simple.
Any discussion of cause and effect, actions, or intent behind our actions, selfishness vs benevolence and reaping what we sow, are complications of a simple concept. It may sometimes occur that we reap what we sow, but just as often the opposite may be true. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. Those things happen because of soul contracts, which I prefer to call improv scripts to account for free will.
Every religion is created by humans and thus every religion gets things not as they are.