Lots of good thoughts and advice in here, Toni. I do feel skeptical that the Einstein story is true. Why would Einstein be teaching a class that would have him putting such basic math on the chalkboard? So I googled it. A fact check website says it is not true https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/story-about-einsteins-maths-mistake-doesnt-add-up/#:~:text=False.,a%20class%20of%20his%20students. So another takeaway, maintain skepticism and critical thinking whenever reading stuff on the internet. Don't stop at resonance. Practice the art of discernment. That's something I learned from my spirit guides, https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/your-soul-is-the-whole-world-7a149c7602ad, and from making mistakes myself.
Constructive criticism, yes?