My understanding is that love and fear are the root emotions from which all other HUMAN emotions stem. (I first learned that 11 years ago when I read Neale Donald Walsch's channeled Conversations with God, An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1 (I never read his other 19 books).
My guess is that the advice to the questioner considers human life to be just an illusion, which is effing nonesense, and the adviser dismisses fear as not existing at the soul level, which is likely true. My favorite quote on this illusion or life as a simulation concept comes from a comment thread discussion I had with John Ege. Now I have to remember where I quoted it...
Found it. In my, I discussed my utter distain for simulation theory, and credited John for his response:
"Did you ever play a video game, and get so mad you tossed the controller…
The video game is a simulation. Your reaction to the video is solid real! The emotions are real."
Now I'll read on and see what the AAs say.