Nachas!! This was my response in DMY's overly gracious reply to that Tessa: "You cult leaders are so charming!! That's humor before any moron says aha!!! Seriously, why is anyone as accomplished as yourself putzing around on Medium? That's a rhetorical question--obviously writing and helping writers is a labor of love for you, and I for one am very appreciative of the opportunities that you make available for the advancement of others with nothing to gain except nachas, which is priceless. For those who do not know, Nachas is a Yiddish word meaning that you are happy and proud, especially of someone’s accomplishments. Nachas is the joy you feel over the achievements of someone close to you, because you’re so connected with that person, that it’s as if the accomplishment is yours. It’s often translated as pride, but it’s much more personal — an individual pleasure derived from someone else’s success. I hope Tessa does not double down, and have to defend her indefensible remarks to Medium. I have no desire to go after a misguided soul. Jonathan Greene on the other hand, is still squarely in my sights."