Ok, and god help me I love you Love Bug even though we've never met, at least not physically in this life, I think you'll appreciate this that I wrote:
"First, let’s examine what makes for a healthy marriage. Any healthy relationship stands on an interdependent foundation. What do I mean by that? The parties to the relationship share goals. They each view the other(s) as having something to contribute to those goals for everyone’s benefit. The contributions do not have to be equal but the expectations of all are understood— they don’t keep score and have no hidden agendas. They do not have to agree on everything and they can disagree, even often. That’s ok — they respect each other's boundaries, values, and priorities. No one belongs to or feels subservient to another. Through open and vulnerable communication, they hope to share their completeness with each other and yet know that they can continue to grow. No matter how complete, no one has achieved perfection."
As is my penchant for correlation of seemingly unrelated, that paragraph appeared in my https://marcus17043.medium.com/menage-a-trois-between-science-spirituality-and-philosophy-a634f5446364 subtitled "They should have a permanent and mutually satisfying interdependent polyamorous relationship"