One of my favorite quotes from Neale Donald Walsch's channeled conversations with God is:
If you think your life is about DOINGNESS, you do not understand what you are about. Your soul doesn’t care what you do for a living-and when your life is over, neither will you. Your soul cares only about what you’re BEING while you’re doing whatever you’re doing. It is a state of BEINGNESS the soul is after, not a state of doingness.
In my essay,, I went on an exploration of what BEINGNESS might mean. At one point I landed on "perhaps BEINGNESS = UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of self or another (or others) or both?"
Then I contimued down the rabbit hole and citing and linking your poem Visions of Fierce Love and partially quoting it (I did tag you but I don't think you read my essay)
Merge into Being
The Elohim invites you to join and
Become Elohim
Be with Us.
Be In Us.
Be Love, Be Peace.
I then landed on "perhaps BEINGNESS = reuniting with “God?”"
Then quoting one of my favorite Hermann Hesse passages about separation (which some like our friend Anthi view as illusion (it's both illusion and real)):
The way to innocence, to the uncreated and to God leads on, not back, … ever deeper into human life. … Instead of narrowing your world and simplifying your soul, you will have to absorb more and more of the world and at last take all of it up in your painfully expanded soul, if you are to ever find peace. This is the road that Buddha and every great man has gone, whether consciously or not, insofar as fortune favored his quest. All births mean separation from the All, the confinement within limitation, the separation from God, the pangs of being born anew. The return into the All, the dissolution of painful individuation, the reunion with God means the expansion of the soul until it is able once more to embrace the All.
and adding this from DL Nemeril
The soul’s quest is learning to live through love perpetually. We speak here of a multi-radiant love, the love that is the experience of the Divine flowing through you. One falls into this state of being when one is in alignment with one’s soul. No doing is required
I wrote:
"Applying the transitive property to my last two thoughts and DL’s passage:
BEINGNESS = UNCONDITIONAL LOVE= GOD (or reuniting with God)"
I think that now completes the circle back to this aspect of your story. I will be leaving a separate response to God does not, or as you said cannot, cause suffering, with which I agree (except to the extent God signs off on our soul plans, or not to give you consternation and to say that's too anthropomorphizing for your taste, I can say an avatar of "God")