One of my favorites.
I see now the style of this story. I think you will enjoy this paragraph of mine: "Next up unless I change my mind when I pick up again is, drumroll please…………'and now I introduce to you the one and only Billy Shears and his Sgt. Gregorius’ Vast Heart and Mind Club Baaaaand!!'
After a few hours of separate conversations with two of my 'soulmates,' namely the could-not-be-more-different-from-each-other-yet-both-are-my-dear-friends sisters JLB [ex] and PSB [Queer], I re-read and wouldn’t you know it, best-laid plans oft revised by this man thus the marching band will have to wait a bit longer past halftime but do not fret the air will still smell of sweet perfume and there will not be fists of rage when we take the stage; that’s reserved for the streets which we must eventually not resign to tribal wars fought by small-minded mice fooled by false gods and instead shall be reclaimed by those of US who breathe Life and Love of the true Gods!! — [this ode to Steinbeck and Faulkner and McLean and Nahko..."