Links to Assorted Poems I Wrote Before January 2022:
Unconditional Love; Rebirth; The Illusion of Death; A Father’s Pride and Joy; Red Hot Chilli Blizzard; Oh So Alone on an Island in a Sea of Humanity; Richard; Onomatopoeia; Splendid Isolation; Of Stoicism; Navigating the Desert of the Space-Time Continuum; American Cinquain of Orion and the Seventh Sister; Descortly Poetic Ode to the Spiritual Genius of Hermann Hesse; Of Emotional Intelligence; Tanka of Growth and Evolution; Justified Rage; Convergence; Tanka of Dark Night of the Soul; The Lesson Plan; Of Arrogance and Confidence; “Your Soul Is the Whole World”; Toasting Lindsey with Tanka; Energy Flows; Rom-Coms of a Bygone Era; Medicine Man; Passion and Warmth Like No Other; Awakening and Evolution of a Poet; They Cannot Hear Sounds of Silence; Pity the Fools; And Lori Said, Let There Be Light; A Defiant Lovestory; Poetry Prompt; Song-chronicity;