Probably true, sort of. I believe in reincarnation and 1000's upon 1'000's of life cycles. This is my 17,043rd human life. Frank Ontario says he has experienced over a million and who am I to doubt that. The purpose of each cycle is to continue to improve and learn. There are exceptions though. Certain religions teach that hell is where evil souls go to suffer for eternity. Nonsense from what I have learned. I have also learned that the phrase "hell on earth" has merit. Some souls so fucked up their last cycle that instead of incarnating to learn and advance in heaven, they incarnate to live a throw away life as the worst kind of narcissist. In such incarnations the soul has no ability to communicate with the human and simply has to suffer through watching one lifetime of its own awful behavior as penance and to learn. The light you see in your husband is his soul, but your husband's human is not connected to that soul and it is highly unlikely your husbands human can alter its path. My father is that type of narcissist. Irredeemable in this lifetime. This is why I say in the story I linked you earlier that breaking all ties with my father was an unintentional act of kindness for his soul as at least his soul doesn't have to watch him traumatize me anymore. I also know that I agreed to suffer with him as my father before I was born so that I could learn and grow from it. I discuss all in more detail in this story, which I wrote in response to a question that Spyder asked me in a comment to one of my stories on me and my dad: