thanks to Dr Mehmet Yildiz and the tremendous team of editors who have welcomed me and my mind with open hearts and minds. Thank you, Tree Langdon and Liam Ireland in particular.

Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

I just looked at today’s prompt and wouldn’t you know, it’s tanka-time:

Inspired, hungry
curiosity for more
eager to listen
feeling the warmth of my love
desiring to share not keep

Excerpt from a larger piece:

Spotify just played my son’s favorite Red Hot Chilli Peppers song, “Snow (Hey Oh)” telling me it’s time to shift the energy of this piece. Music off, gather myself, ok, let’s go.

Here come the tears. Write through these joyous tears, already replaced with a warm smile. Yesterday I wrote and Dr Mehmet Yildiz published “The Flow,” to which I received a single clap, the 101st clap after the Doc’s and Jean Carfantan’s max-claps, and that lone clap is the single most pricelesslessly meaningful and valuable clap I (tears again) will ever receive. I can barely see the keys now. My son, my 15-yr old boy, Alexmaids, opened an account and clapped for his daddy — and followed me. After weeks of sending my work to my mother and my sisters and my P.A.E. (pre-awakening-era) friends, who save for two, have all done nothing but disappoint me, I have now received this greatest gift. Thank you Alex from the bottom of my heart:

Prouder could not be
that fine young man I now see
growing from afar.
I know my absence pains you
Know I feel so close to you



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