Reminds me of a discussion, actually not so much a discussion as an admonition several years ago from a dear friend who is in the camp of which you speak. She read one of my several essays that contains this quote from a channeled discussion with my spirit guides (I know you don't believe what I have experienced--that's ok and besides the point):
"To attain nirvana, you would go on a completely different cycle, and that usually happens after a vast number of lifetimes lived. The lifetimes that you start to choose to live [at that point] are with great suffering. Think of the severely retarded, the severely mentally ill, POWs, people who have died violently at the hands of great evil and even still-born who give up their life experience for the host."
My friend told me I should change the word retarded as it's offensive. I said it was a quote from God and I wouldn't edit it.
Context matters. There’s a difference between using words as insults and using them descriptively.