Rip Parker posted one of his short contemplations about 5 days ago. It involved the concept of natural and supernatural. Of ESP, for example, Rip wrote, "This is not, as it may seem, “supernatural”. Indeed, it is most natural, even though seemingly unusual." Graham Pemberton responded to Rip, "It depends what you mean by 'mind' and 'supernatural' but, as a spiritual person, I'm surprised that you say so certainly that the mind is not supernatural. Do you not think your consciousness is supernatural, i.e. in some way related to the soul?"
I replied for Rip (and Rip later said I properly clarified his position), "I think Rip is saying the soul is part of the natural world. He has an expansive view of what is natural, beyond common usage of the word natural."
Graham challenged me with, "Do you think the soul is part of the natural world?"
I replied, "I don't want to get hung up on how I or anyone else defines "natural world." I will say the natural world that everyone sees would not exist without the invisible that we cannot see, including souls, so from that perspective, I will answer your question in the affirmative."