So I've been thinking about your experience with the bank balance. There is another metaphysical explanation besides LOA. In my essay, I cite and quote Craig Bell's book on the Jungian concept of synchronicity. "Jung made an important statement about synchronicity….He said ‘Synchronicity designates the parallelism of time and meaning between psychic and psychophysical events.’ …By psychic event, Jung means one that occurs in the psyche, which is the totality of the psychological self, consisting of the conscious mind and the very vast, sometimes turbulent reservoir of the unconscious. The physical events of a coincidence are identified as being not merely physical but psychophysical; in other words, meaningfully related to the psyche or psychological self."
"Bell writes: 'Psychic centers tend to behave like an electromagnet. When the power is turned on — when charged — it tends to attract things.' This occurrence [the incident I discuss in the essay] was not a glitch in the matrix and no one was spying on her. It was a mirror coincidence — Brandi’s charged psychic center attracted the phone call, which was not a call she wanted."
There is no more highly charged area of the brain than that charged by a 16 year old boy in love and maybe lust. Rather than the LOA in action, the money appearing in your bank account was a mirror coincidence caused by your psychic energy.