Thank you. I am interested to know what has resonated with you. Purely from that perspective, that is what can give meaning to the useless clap system and is great use of highlighting, which I still owe your story, and why I prize responses above all else. I also must dive into your other articles. I feel guilty that I have not yet, but I feel more guilt towards the pages of books sitting unread in my pile, particularly towards Hermann Hesse's The Glass Bead Game as that is the only one of my favorite author's novels that I have not read. I am somewhat addicted to Medium and need to achieve better balance. As the days become warmer and longer I plan on spending time outside with books and without my computer. I will carry a pad and pen for outlining stories and scratching out my tanka. I love squeezing every drop of meaning out of 31 syllables. There is a chance I may get to continue to heal and grow with psilocybin in June or later this summer. I do not want to do it alone. I could easily get myself in trouble that way, especially in NH.