Thanks Christine. I didn't even know what I created had the label freewrite--and I certainly didn't give myself any rules, I just flowed until it felt complete and it was a lot of fun. I wrote it and the organized tattoo essay just for me and afterward, maybe because the time and the bottle of wine I drank writing what ended up being all-in a 13 minute essay had me tired, I felt that I loved it but no one else would. What an extra bonus that I was wrong. The takeaway from that and other aligned synchronous messages lately is people spend too much time writing for an audience and when we think only about writing for ourselves there are enough people out there that we are in fact writing to too without trying to accomplish that.
By the way, all the endnotes were added afterward. I didn't stop the flow to add them but I had them in the back of my mind while flowing and trusted that I would remember where to place them didn't go back to create them until I had also written all the tattoo sections a few hours later.