Thanks for sending me the link as I had not seen this. You are very talented, my friend. You wrote this so simply. All along I kept nodding my head. Now I need to sleep. I may have more to say later. Before I sleep though, I'm going to reply to Mehmet. There's nothing in your story that deviates from science. Your explanation marries science, spirituality, and I guess philosophy too, which is my holy Grail. I don't think you saw this that I posted last year:
Your essay complements with simple elegancy something that I picked up from reading a not simple essay by White Feather,, who is now home behind the veil, which along with other steps in my thought process eventually led me to say in several of my posts, that humans are a uniquely designed symbiotic species of highly evolved animals and souls--that Adam and Eve do not represent the creation of man and woman but rather the creation of a species consisting of animal and soul., of divine and confusingly labeled masculine and feminine (confusing because of gender constructs).
I touched on that most recently in my poem with decoder ring,