That is essentially the last line about Step 2 in the 12 and 12, and the one that makes sense in a way that everyone should be able to benefit from it and connects the dots between Steps 2 and 3 and the concept of the will of God while we also have free will and one doesn't actually have to believe in God to benefit from the spiritual wisdom of the steps which all the f'ing dry drunks in the rooms do not get and why you do well (I've read you a lot) not to spend much time in the rooms with the judgmental bleeding deacons. I purposely avoided the God steps of the 12 steps in this story of mine that advocates that everyone can benefit from their spiritual wisdom so as not to turn off the atheists, because, as I wrote, "Be the best person you can be, with progress, not perfection. This is why we are here, as spiritual beings (souls), seeking human experiences.
When I use the term spiritual, I use it in a manner that transcends the binary of theism versus atheism. One can act entirely spiritual with or without a belief in “god” however one understands that term. Spirituality only requires love, empathy, compassion, humility, honesty and courage.
As I define spirituality, there is a flip side to the coin and all those positive feelings— accountability, both personally and holding others accountable for their words and deeds."