The Beatles are proof to me of the existence of “God.” In July of 1964 they perfected pop (A Hard Days Night (their first album without any cover tunes) was released). A few months after releasing Help! in August 1965, they began to take music to a place it had never been before and hasn’t been since. In a year and a half, they released Rubber Soul (December 1965), Revolver (August 1966), Strawberry Fields Forever as the A-side and Penny Lane as the B-side of a single (February 1967) and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (June 1967). Absorb Rubber Soul, Revolver and Sgt. Pepper’s in that order (I recommend the mono mix of Sgt. Pepper’s over the stereo mix). Hear the nuances and the techniques never before realized and being expanded and perfected over the course of those albums. Universal influence is apparent. The creative advancement, out of nowhere, cannot otherwise be explained.
I love how music triggers memories — often bringing me back to a time that now seems simpler and yearned for — but in reality those times were no simpler than the present — maybe it just seems that way because I survived them — because they are safely in the past?
A few of my favorite lyrics:
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass they slip away across the universe. Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my open mind possessing and caressing me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe
(The Beatles — Across the Universe)
Take time to see the wonders of the world
To see the things you’ve only ever heard of
Dream life the way you think it ought to be
See things you thought you’d never ever see
Take a cruise to China
Or a train to Spain
Go round the world
Again and again
Meet a girl on a boat
Meet a boy on a train
And fall in love
Without the pain
Everybody needs love and adventure
Everybody needs cash to spend
Everybody needs love and affection
Everybody needs 2 or 3 friends
These are the things
These are the things
The things that dreams are made of
(Human League — The Things that Dreams are Made of)