the deer making whatever sound they make and prancing through the soybean field/hill across from my porch just remined me to read your poem
and what I read about deer in this Desiree Driesenaar post several years ago:
and a prose poem I wrote after a December 2020 2am walk that included:
"My sense of wondrous awe grows with each buoyant step, and then as I turn south for home, POW, the sky is vast and my friend Orion smiles and I get warmer yet as the angels alight me.
Will wonders never cease, I am not alone — the silhouettes of a herd of deer dart across the road perhaps 40 yds yonder, disappearing into the leafless thicket as suddenly as they had appeared to announce Prithvi’s watchful eye." subtitled "Entities possess and caress me from across the universe"