The key element to a proper tanka is for the middle line to serve as a pivot that both connects and transitions from the upper poem to the lower poem. between. I don't always focus on that but when I do, it's a better piece.
Deaths’ facts differ still
Will drives lives’ paths to deaths’ dates
Love burns — searing pain
Deepest loss most room for gain
Endless pain, Light fills the drain
I know, tankas shouldn't use end rhymes. As someone said to me recently about poems, actually I think it was you, learn the rules then break them.
I also enjoy creating unbroken line tanka. 31 syllables, no punctuation.
I haven't done a nonet but I did do a couple of etheree reverse etheree,, and I enjoy using ascending syllable count stanzas within a free verse. This one has such an 11-line stanza.
I enjoy mixing forms. That one starts with an American cinquain (2/4/6/8/2 syllable count) and ends with a tanka