The scary genius of whoever from the Barr and Trump crowd that cooked up Q-Anon is when the truth comes out about just how many of these whackos are clients of peddlers of young flesh, it will be spun as fake news to cover up the democratic satanic cult. I don't feel like searching for the quote through Twitter now, or maybe ever, but trust my memory, Don Jr. made a comment about how is father was upset that he didn't get to try out the new material first that was ostensibly about comedy but when I saw it the context struck me as code for trafficked women. Just my opinion here lest the bots accuse me of libel, and besides, it's certainly not a malicious statement in the context of this response and to libel a public figure one must act maliciously, whereas Jonathan Greene's defamation of so many publications on here....but enough of that from me....for now.