This and so many of the stanzas I highlighted intersect with what I tried to convey in my, including the last two lines of this tanka portion of the post:
Predicting outcomes
Such fucking human hubris
So illogical
If this that but that did not
Live life and see what happens
And this tanka from it:
“Hell No”
crystal balls cracked up
no one can know the unknown
embrace mystery
would’ve could’ve and should’ve?
listen to sexy Keke
I probably should have not titled it and made the last line something like "that's a hell of own making" but I was feeling salty and I find Keke Palmer, especially as the host of Fallon's remake of the gameshow Password, very sexy, and I don't regret the movie reference even if the message got lost
Now I have the opportunity to refine it all with the contest.
I just realized one song I'll probably use. I've used it before in other posts which may or not be on topic. I'll look before I create my entry. Here's one verse. So many fit:
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way