This depends much on how one defines greatness, potential, success, etc. I wonder how Ariel would respond to this excellent piece I read today, subtitled, "It's complicated." The essay includes:
"Yes, all of us are, in each our own way, awesome. And yes, we do have potential to choose what we want to be. But anything? Reality is neither simple nor easy. We have desires, we have the will to want to attain our desires, and we have the free will to choose courses of action that can get us what we want. What complicates matters is that we have to share reality with other things and people. We can say 'I want this,' and reality will respond with 'yes, but…' The 'yes' is that reality is affected by our choices and actions, but the 'but' is that reality doesn’t respond with, 'You want that? Here it is.' It responds with how things are. Reality is… well, reality, and it’s too big and complicated to just roll over at someone’s whim."