This is a great article on many levels, just like the original series, and even some of the movies (I think it was the 4th one that had the humpback whales and it was a bit campy but also great social commentary, just like the original series). Episodes that come to mind are the very early one with Sally Kellerman as a guest star where she and another crew member became affected by an encounter with an unseen force and developed psychic powers; the one where they encountered a parallel reality earth where there had been a nuclear or germ war and at the end they discover that the yangs and the comms are the vestiges of an America vs China type world war and that the yangs sacred document is the Pledge of Allegiance; and the Ephraim Cochran episode, that partially inspired this poem by me about the relationship that I continue to have with the soul of my heaven mate: Lastly, I leave you with this star trek inspired piece: