This is a very well-written, thought-provoking and accurate depiction. Allow me to put some more food on the table:
A letter I wrote to the Atlantic:
"General Mattis:
The way you honored the dishonorable by remaining silent out of a sense of duty, until you could no longer throttle your voice, was sublime.
You end your letter: 'Only by adopting a new path—which means, in truth, returning to the original path of our founding ideals—will we again be a country admired and respected at home and abroad.' Earlier you speak of equal rights and protection for all.
You sir are uniquely qualified to make the following blue print a reality. If you like it, take it as yours.
Factionalism finally destroyed what the founders built. Google and you will find that they knew parties were dangerous, yet they ended up starting the destruction when they started their infighting and separation into Hamilton’s Federalists and Jefferson’s Democratic-Republicans.
Outlaw political parties. Alternatively, start a new 3rd MAJOR party to unite the center left and center right, but that would eventually lead us back to here.
Amend the constitution: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by [their Creator][the Universe][Nature] with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and therefore discrimination against any person on any basis whatsoever is unconstitutional.'"