This is an excellent and very true sentence. Here is my experience with the twin flame myth.
On the heels of Lindsey's death (3/17/20 but not discovered until two days later), I renewed relationships with two channelers. One, "NaOMi," I had known as a gifted astrologer and did not know she had branched into channeling. The second, Anne, is purely a channeler I have worked with on and off since 2010 and continue to work with to this day and beyond.
I had learned of the concept of the twin flame from NaOMi a few years earlier.
I asked Anne if Lindsey and I were twin flames and she said "I don't know about that but I can tell you I have never read two energy signatures as similar as yours are to each other."
NaOMi said we were TF's and as that is what I wanted to hear, I started valuing her over Anne, until I saw through Naomi's manipulative deceptions, the icing on the cake being when she said to me threateningly "the last time a client disrespected the ancestors (the term she used for the spirits she allegedly worked with) they stripped him of his twin flame relationship." I shortly thereafter did not make the next monthly payment on my contract, she tried to hold the contract over my head, I told her it was void because she lied about the process (thats ,another story) and the next day Naomi gave in, released me from my contract, and tried to scare me with this parting shot: "enjoy your karma."
Soon thereafter I asked Rama (my higest power) in session with Anne about TF's. Almost chuckling Rama said that that is a human invention like a Harlequin Romance novel.
My soul’s name is Marcus (I choose to write under Marcus--my parents named me Gregory). Lindsey’s soul’s name is Sitara. In each such lifetime, Marcus and Sitara have contracted to be each of the intimate and each other of the karmic soulmate varieties to each other many many many times over. Never have we contracted for the happily ever after with each other. I hope one cycle soon we do.
Marcus and Sitara have been deeply in love with each other since at least the dawn of humanity and probably before. As humans, we have loved other humans before, and we shall again.
In Heaven some souls have romantic yet platonic love for each other and enter into "soul partnerships." It is romantic yet platonic because souls have no ability to have sex. Souls that have this love for each other enter into contracts with each other that define their expectations of each other / required contributions to the relationship, including the work they will do together in heaven.
My issue with the label and concept of twin flames is more than semantics. Charlatans manipulate desperate people with it. To be clear, I do not group you in that Emily. I know you are sincere.