This is beautiful Kim.
Shortly after I lost Lindsey a mere 10 months into our unconventional relationship, "after channeling several conversations for Lindsey and me, I asked Anne if Lindsey and I were twin flames and she said, “I don’t know about that but I can tell you I have never read two energy signatures as similar as yours are to each other.”
That's from my story debunking the twin flame myth that charlatans sell desperate people.
I don't know how familiar you may be with my stories of Lindsey and me, but what I learned not long after she died in March 2020, a mere 10 months after we met this lifecycle as Greg and Lindsey, is that her soul, Sitara, and my soul Marcus, are energetically joined and have been and will be for all of eternity. In each of my 17,043 lives we have incarnated together, friends, lovers, spouses, swapping gender, playing every role imaginable. I do not believe we have ever contracted for the happily ever after here on Earth. It's hard sometimes knowing what I know and I often wonder how many times I've been blessed with the curse of this knowledge but I can't imagine a life without it. I may never meet a human woman who can deal with it and if that's the case, so be it. Seriously.