This is great on so many levels. In no particular order: a) Benighted is one of my favorite poets on Medium; b) Your T's made me think of a book that was recommended to me years ago that introduced me to the concept of synchronicity, a book that the recommendation itself was a moment of synchronicity as it was recommended to me by the spiritual counselor I sought out at a rehab--Mystical Meredith I dubbed her--she recommended Comprehending Coincidence: Synchronicity and Personal Transformation by Craig Bell (she also recommended Conversations with God, An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1 by Neale Donald Walsch); c) I liked the way you talk about ego as simply an identity to be shed rather than something bad that needs to die--I believe in ego evolution, not ego death--I've written about that a few times but I'm not going to look for a link now; d) the concept of dancing to old self's death and rebirth reminded me of a poem I wrote nearly three years ago of that name about my accepting that Greg was born of Marcus and Greg's awareness of Marcus was awakended: