Thus not surprisingly, this is when Judaism teaches that life begins and moreover, Judaism mandates even an abortion at any stage to safe the life of the mother. I was born Jewish but now delving into your non-biblical spiritual analysis, based upon something Rama said to me in a channeled discussion
"“To attain nirvana, you would go on a completely different cycle, and that usually happens after a vast number of lifetimes lived. The lifetimes that you start to choose to live [at that point] are with great suffering. Think of the severely retarded, the severely mentally ill, POWs, people who have died violently at the hands of great evil and even stillborns who give up their life experience for the host.”
Thus, I believe that even still borns had a soul, which would mean in utero incarnation, and I believe ensoulment occurs upon the first post-fertilization cell division. Notwithstanding my belief, I am 100% pro-choice for various reasons. Separation of church and state is one--laws that codify certain religious views (and minority ones at that) of when life begins violate the 1st Amendment's anti-establishment clause . My essay, has this as its subtitle "Yet I steadfastly believe the decision is a personal one that should not be criminalized before the point of fetal viability as there is no justification for human laws to ban it" and my reasons for that position go beyond my constitutional law view and my views about the purpose of human laws and include my spiritual views which go beyond when incarnation occurs: "Leave mothers alone to make this all so painful decision on their own and discuss the reasons therefor with the jury of their peers in heaven. The soul of the aborted child entered the fetus knowing it would not take a human breath. The decision to abort may actually be decided to have been in the long-term benefit of the mother and the children she may bear later. That judgment is not within the limits of humans to make and there is no benefit to society to create nor determine this conflict."