Truly divine outlook on spirituality and life my friend. You shall see how much of your piece I highlighted. We think and feel very alike, though sometimes our approaches are different.
Rather than leave many comments at several highlights, I'll try to summarize our alignment here.
In the beginning, you ask what about atheists and agnostics? Throughout your story, you talk much about God. I am a believer,, yet certainly not religious. The principles that you discuss do not require a belief in God and thus certainly agnostics and atheists can be very spiritual and I have met many that are, and also many religious people who are not at all spiritual as I define it and as I believe you do too. As I have written in KTHT in June (, and most recently last week in this Illumination Curated piece that expands my upon my views of spirituality and marries it to the definition of philosophy,, "when I use the term spiritual, I use it in a manner that transcends the binary of theism versus atheism. One can act entirely spiritually with or without a belief in “god” however one understands that term. Spirituality only requires love, empathy, compassion, humility, honesty and courage.
On the flip side of the coin with all those positive feelings, stands accountability, both personal, and the obligation to hold others accountable for their words and deeds. Karma demands this, else the offending soul gets stained with entitlement.
Be the best person I can be, with progress, not perfection. This is why we are here, as spiritual beings (souls), seeking human experiences."
You see in that quote how very aligned our views are.