We have been on similar yet different paths that end up in similar yet different places. I do recall one of the first posts I ever read on Medium, since head scratchingly deleted by the writer, but I've quoted it it a few of mine:
"One of the very first articles I read on Medium is this gem by Leah Castellon,
Which Religion Is Right?
I’ve explored many religions and found an answer that makes sense to me.
in which she writes of her spiritual journey:
If there is one clear message that I feel I have learned on my path it is this: God is love and more expansive than I can wrap my brain around; His love is so much greater than I can comprehend.
With the diversity of the people on this earth, doesn’t it stand to reason that infinite love would provide a multitude of channels to access that source? I think so. For that reason, I will not adhere to any particular religion, but I will honor my personal journey and the paths of fellow earnest seekers."
Here's where your and my path were similar but different:
"For most of my life, born February 15, 1967, as a very secular Jew, I possessed agnostic views of death and any afterlife. That began to change in 2012 when I went to rehab for substance abuse. With the realization achieved from previous experiences that gaining a personal understanding of God might keep me from running for the hills to avoid the Bible beating, bleeding deacons of Alcoholics Anonymous, I arrived at the Caron Foundation in Pennsylvania hoping to find an understanding of God that meshed with my conception at the time.
Upon hearing a lecture from a Mayan calendar and crystal touting member of the “spiritual staff” whom I dubbed Mystical Meredith, I recognized the synchronicity and asked for a private session. I explained to Meredith that I had bounced around between agnosticism and the belief that God was akin to the Force from Star Wars — the psychic energy emitted by all living things — and that I believed that some people had the ability to tap into this energy, psychics, and to a lesser extent, me and others who experience the phenomenon of dé jà vu.
I told Meredith that I believed in the existence of souls because I had spoken to the souls of dearly departed through a psychic, and I asked her how God fits into this — asking her, “Is there a hierarchy of souls with God at the top?”
Before answering me, Meredith asked me why I thought I used substances abusively. I answered that I thought there was an irreconcilable conflict between my conscious and subconscious minds over things I had done, or not done, over the past few years, and I drank and drugged to run away from rather than resolve this conflict.
Meredith explained that the conflict I felt ripping my gut apart was not between my conscious and subconscious but between my mind and my soul. Meredith’s conception of God, or as she put it, the Great All, and how we and our souls fit in, is that when our souls leave the Great All to take human form we contract with the universe to experience certain painful things on Earth that are not spiritual so we can learn what is spiritual (love, kindness, compassion, charity, etc.).
At the end of our conversation, I found myself crying.
At that moment, I thought I cried from the emotional release of having realized a quest for understanding. The tears were more profound. A few months later, in Florida during the extended stay portion of my rehabilitation, I would wake before dawn and go running barefoot on the beach with the Moon, Venus, and the constellation Orion keeping me company — feeling connected to the universe would cause tears to flow.
Realization of connection to the universe — that is why I cried with Meredith.
You and I recently discussed reincarnation, which, frankly, given how much you have read about my channeled by Anne talks with Rama and Sitara, I was shocked that you didn't know that reincarnation is voluntary. This conversation is quoted in several of my posts:
"Greg: How many levels are there in heaven?
Spirit Guide: It is not so much levels, but rather, cycles. As one starts their journey from soul to soul with a body [and back again, and so on and so on], you generally have easy lives. When you return to source/heaven/god after every lifetime, you will be given a choice to stay in that realm that you are put in or to go back to the master class [Earth]to attain a higher level. You can make the decision to return to the master class at any time. If you choose to go back to earth, it would be for the specific requirement to have the goal of growing your soul to get to the next level, only you are not consciously aware of it once you incarnate.
Once you enter and complete a few lifetimes you will start to feel comfortable knowing where you want to ascend and with whom. That is where your community of spirits comes into play. We always come in with the same people/souls, lifetime after lifetime. There are about 80 to 120 of you together in any given lifetime. It is around this time where you the soul and collectively the community of spirits start to decide what level they want to attain and what price it will cost them on earth. Now you can understand that not everyone wants to attain nirvana as you say.
To attain nirvana, you would go on a completely different cycle, and that usually happens after a vast number of lifetimes lived. The lifetimes that you start to choose to live [at that point] are with great suffering. Think of the severely retarded, the severely mentally ill, POWs, people who have died violently at the hands of great evil, and even stillborns who give up their life experiences for the host.
These life cycles will continue again and again and if you have lived your life according to our plan, will allow you to go to higher and higher levels. One obtains full enlightenment when there is nothing more for you to suffer — when there is nothing more for you to learn!
Then you would be in the realms with the great archetypes, messengers, guides, and archangels. You then would have an awesome burden and responsibility to heal those souls that remain on earth."