Well done. The cycles of change certainly do begin and end within. You carry that theme well within your haiku series. You might try your hand at a haiku sonnet. Most say that's simply a series of four haiku followed by a couplet for the 14 line count of a sonnet. This one I wrote https://medium.com/write-under-the-moon/the-cycles-of-lives-and-perhaps-epochs-d072f9ca3b15 I see is actually on the same theme as yours today. I had tagged you when I wrote it in March but it doesn't seem to have made it to you.
Often I add a rhyme scheme to my haiku sonnets because to me, a sonnet should always have a rhyme scheme, and thus I use the rhyme scheme of a terza rima sonnet which, form uses 4 three line stanzas followed by a couplet ABA BCB CDC DED AA. Here's one of those you might enjoy: https://marcus17043.medium.com/haiku-sonnet-for-my-friend-jason-c64fafec763e