Well my fellow Aquarian, I did use my chart as the feature image in this old KTHT post. https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/layered-and-complicated-and-not-easily-classified-44844aeb232e
Perhaps more interesting to you would be this quick analysis of my chart that was done last year from the Evolutionary Astrology perspective. You will see how often he mentions Pluto:
"So, Marcus
Yes, in Evolutionary Astrology we always start with Pluto which we take to be the soul and its Evolutionary Intention for the individual. Often called the God of Death, it relates to the underworld of course, the deep unconscious, transformative power. It is the engine room if you like for our long adventure.
Look at the chart as a developmental map, EA often referred to as showing the chart beneath the chart, its deep underpinnings.
With Pluto on Aries/House 1, you have embarked on a new soul round of experience, emerging from the oceanic Piscean archetype where all is one – the ‘we’ of the 12th house back into the ‘I’ of new beginnings. You have come full circle and want to take the rollercoaster again. (Mad mother…!)
This is the desire for endless experience, a deep impulse towards independent expression, the freedom to keep growing and expressing your will. I often envisage strong Aries as kicking off the end of the swimming pool, the momentum carrying a person through the rest of the chart. It is instinctive and therefore sometimes there is little conscious understanding of the dynamics.
If the movement from I to We around the 12 houses is about inculcating more light through experiences that reflect one back to oneself, expanding the vision of self often through relationship, we must understand the propulsion is because the individual has just come out of the dawn of the Ascendant (how we dawn on others) and into light. This light is limited at this point making the soul hungry for experience. This can make the Aries person seem dominant or even pushy. This trait will be tempered over time. The individual is hungry for the light and driven as such.
There can be conflict between the soul’s desire for attachment against individual freedom. Pluto ruler of Scorpio wants the deepest experience, here through a very individual lens. This lifetime is about the ‘me’ even if a spiritual bod which you are. This is the search for potential and fulfillment.
The trap is with Pluto so forceful, doubly so with Mars ruling Aries, the native can sometimes be overly self-assured unaware he is looking through a particular lens. As you are already an old soul, you know how to balance this against the rather gentle and refined opposition in Pisces.
But your quirky, eccentric Aquarian spark also colours your expression very strongly. Normies may not get you or how you express.
There is a potential conflict between the Aries need for freshness and expansion and the Pluto need for the deepest unconscious security. That can manifest as enjoying the newness of relating but soon seeking different fresher pastures.
In this first archetype, the will tends towards total self-expression, a constant reaching out whereas Pluto/Scorpio needs time to reflect, to slow down, not always be acting on gut instinct in the moment.
The will is steadily refined the more it goes around the wheel, which I often map on to child development. Aries is the newborn fighting to survive, in the 2ndTaurean archetype, it is a toddler learning through touch and simplicity, in the 3rd Gemini, it learns language, in the fourth Cancer emotional security in the home (or not), n the Leo 5th placement, he learns play etc.
Relationships here can be magnetic with strong attractions and repulsions and the reaching out impulse can be found in the polarity point in house seven where you have your Chiron wound sitting next to your venus-mercury conjunction which heightens loving expression.
In recent past lives with your south node of the moon (how the mind expresses the Evolutionary Intention) in Scorpio, you will have been seeking the deepest experiences particularly in communication in house 3. As we instinctively fall back on our past life expression, we can see in the present how a love of language at depth is still where you go to express that deep need to be a free individual.
However, the task now is to lean towards the north node which is in Taurus. That means simplification, enjoying the earth and sensual pleasures, even thinking less. As you have that node conjunct the moon that heavily involves the enjoyment of women, the unconscious world and feelings of course. This means good fortune and support from the feminine usually.
The north node represents the soul’s best direction in this particular life unlike the Pluto deeper intention which may stay in the same position for several lifetimes until the lessons are learned.
However, Saturn in the 8th house can indicate a deep fear of death/change that may prohibit and impede your need to break away from that south node comfort zone.
With your ascendant in fastidious, critical Virgo, the chart ruler is mercury which colours everything, particularly enhancing the sweetness and diplomacy of your expression even when you disagree with others. That counters some of that Aries bullishness and that’s a good think for closeness with others of course.
We see the Aquarian flavor again with its ruling planet chaotic Uranus in house 1 next to Pluto. Uranus relates to mental trauma carried from past lives and here can indicate blockages in self-expression that have to be overcome. That’s why I asked you about your parents.
This can indicate having died young before hence the need for another go around back at the beginning of essential selfhood. There may be a subconscious fear driving you forward and connects directly with that Saturn in the 8th. There may be a deep fear that taking action will lead to destruction.
When we see planets square to the nodal axis we are looking at skipped steps, lessons one avoided before that are now pressing. You have the sun in a wide square which again means being yourself is essential, hence the fire power to help you in that Pluto/Aries and a possible connection to earlier thwarting, even death.
You must be an eccentric Aquarian my friend, come what may!"