When I first started writing poems in December 2020, I wrote haiku (though I know now most were senryu) rather exclusively. When I started a 30 prompts for 30 days challenge, I shifted to tanka for the whole challenge because, I could convey much more meaning with the two more lines--I wrote a tanka about why:
First five syllables
Second seven syllables
Pivot at haiku
Seven starts lower poem
Seven finishes with depth
I enjoyed tanka because it challenged me to say a lot in very few words--couldn't waste any. I also liked no rhymes (usually).
For me, it's not a need for so many forms but I enjoy learning new forms and having a variety in my repertoire. Sometimes I write multiple stanza poems deliberately using a variety of forms in the poem.
At some point I decided to try rhyming forms, first dizains, and then rondeaus and finally Shakesperean sonnets and then other forms of sonnets like the terza rima, and then I used that to write some haiku sonnets (the haiku sonnet form that is discussed on the internet is only a sonnet in that it has 14 lines (four tercets (haikus) and a couplet) but to me calling that a sonnet is absurd. The most challenging form I started writing last year is the rondeau redoublé. Here's one I did. https://medium.com/write-under-the-moon/selling-sucess-and-enlightenment-76e8352ad62f
I think structured forms help me focus. As tanka was my first love, often when I begin creating a poem in my mind as I slip in and out of hypnagogia, I default to tanka, but if I don't Iike where it's going , I'll shift. https://medium.com/weeds-wildflowers/a-poets-walk-among-weeds-and-wildflowers-f25bfdb75e7c
I have done a bit of free verse last year, especially when I read that free verse can sprinkle some forms and some rhymes across the poem, and when I feel like I'm in a creative flow/download/stream of consciousness. https://medium.com/illumination-curated/poem-of-war-peace-love-fear-science-philosophy-and-spirituality-542c44925416
I think you might enjoy haibun, which if you don't know is a prose poem followed by a haiku. https://medium.com/write-under-the-moon/splendid-isolation-923be403a8d2 A tanka can also be used. https://marcus17043.medium.com/full-moon-tanka-haibun-a983892dcad8
Ok, I'm sure this is a much longer answer than you expected and longer than necessary. Don't feel compelled to read the links--only if you truly want to.