Yes, but, as Keri Mangis wrote recently: "So right now, I don’t want mantras that encourage me to relax and have hope. Hope without fire is sentimental hogwash. In this world, there’s no point in mantras such as “Don’t say anything at all if you can’t say anything nice.” Sometimes, harsh truths need to be said and heard. These are apocalyptic times, and if we don’t know that in our heads, we surely feel it in our bodies.
Too many of us have chosen to be swallowed up in apathy instead of standing up and speaking out. We go along with things with which we disagree in the name of not ruffling feathers. We let the line of our integrity and authority be washed away rather than mustering the energy to say “No.”
If we continue to believe that things will right themselves, that “good” will win over “evil,” or that there’s no way humanity could go extinct — when will we ever put our marker down and fight for what matters? Silence is nothing more than an abdication of our power."