You amuse me. Where did you get your law degree? Did you even study civics or social studies or US History at any point in your education? Free speech is a right that the government cannot curtail except when the right to be an asshole, which you seem to feel Mr. Greene has, infringes upon the rights of fellow citizens, like crying fire in a crowded theater. Defamation would also be an exception to free speech. (There is no right to free speech among citizens, just by the way). Would you happen to have Mr. Greene's address so that I can serve him with the demand letter? That letter was actually served upon Medium. I do not joke about such matters. Letting my fellow editors, writers and pub owners know that I have their backs is not spam-tagging, whatever that is. I do not care about claps, which are meaningless. Moreover, if you had read the letter thoroughly, you would have seen my pledge to donate 36% of any MPP earnings therefrom to worthy causes. This is about accountability sir,, which is what drives me from my core. Speaking of which, now that you admitted to me in writing that your disclaimer at the bottom of your libelous poem was just put there to cover your petard and that your intent was to defame, I will evaluate adding you to the ban-demand. Have a nice weekend. I will be celebrating my 54th birthday of this 17,043rd life cycle with my son and thus unplugging, while if you are smart, you will be writing and publishing your apology to Illumination.