You're welcome. Thanks for engaging. I believe you are exaggerating my point beyond the way I meant it. Sure, many or most thoughts / beliefs are ripe for being defended well or attacked well by arguments. Certain beliefs, particularly matters of the utmost faith, should not be debated. " can someone who is pro-choice tell someone who believes that [human] life begins at conception tell the latter that they are wrong? By the same reasoning, how can people who are opposed to abortion tell people who do not believe that [human] life exists until the fetus can live outside the womb tell the latter they are wrong? They clearly disagree with each other but who is either to tell the other that they are wrong as these are matters that science cannot establish." That's from my essay, , in which I admittedly do state my spiritual belief that removes the seemingly inarguable foundation underneath the anti-abortionist belief, namely that the unborn child needs the protection of man's laws. That belief of mine is that the soul of the aborted child agreed not to be born before it incarnated, but I didn't state it to win an argument. Just to say what I believe.