You have been hitting my feed a lot lately. This is the first piece I have chosen to read (I may have saved others to my reading list). You can tell from my highlights throughout that I feel you speak many truths. One of the first stories I read on Medium when I joined over a year ago was by a Leah Castellon who said: "If there is one clear message that I feel I have learned on my path it is this: God is love and more expansive than I can wrap my brain around; His love is so much greater than I can comprehend.
With the diversity of the people on this earth, doesn’t it stand to reason that infinite love would provide a multitude of channels to access that source? I think so. For that reason, I will not adhere to any particular religion, but I will honor my personal journey and the paths of fellow earnest seekers." Some time later I read a great piece by Laxaa "There is No Religion in Heaven." Like you, Laxaa has a strong personal relationship with Jesus outside of any church. As for the part of your story I highlighted here, here is a piece by me on doing the work: